Wednesday, November 07, 2007

The human spirit

She cruises on the dark chunky mass of road at around 70kmph. She's smooth alright, I have to literally get myself off my seat in order to hear her hum the loveliest of songs. I watch as life passes me by, 6 inches below my feet, streaks, moving along, in one direction. And it gets me thinking... thats us. Those little dots on the road. Tiny pieces. All inked together somehow. We're all human. Aren't we? Are we?

These are a few conclusions that I have drawn over the past few years, brought about by my insolent stubbornness, radical ideas (which have peeved & on rarer occasions, amused my friends & family) & a lot of dimwitted self talking & what i like to call 'personal blabbles' that i've had with God. Yes, I do talk to Him, cause He's the only one who acknowledges my madness blindly.
Anyways, coming back to my own conclusions, i have incurred the following:
1. The Human Spirit is blind.
2. The Human Spirit belongs to no particular religion.
3. The Human Spirit does not rationalize.
4. The Human Spirit cannot obey the laws of the land.
5. The Human Spirit cannot be bound, physically or mentally.

It is BLIND because it does not see colour or beauty. Neither does it see or acknowledge gender or fear. It simply refuses to discriminate.
It belongs to NO RELIGION because it simply refuses to be bound.
It does not RATIONALIZE because people often do really stupid things in order to save someone or help them in need, often putting their own safety at risk.
It cannot BE BOUND & thus does NOT OBEY ANY LAW. Come on... try stopping the human spirit. It will just keep going.... an admirable trait.

To end with, this is a song i heard just a few days ago. Worth a listen. The Human Spirit... kick-start it in you... today!

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