Tuesday, June 24, 2008

DSG Primal Leather Gloves - My Latest Buy

This baby is the latest addition to my collection of motorcycle gear. Actually it's my second piece, the first being my Vega Helmet.

The Vega Helmet
People do think that I'm being over protective or just too 'paranoid' investing my time & money in safety gear & keeping my bike in shape. These people for one, do not know what I went through when an A**HOLE rammed his car into me.
A**HOLE's Car. Yes I had enough adrenaline in me to limp right up to it & click a pic.

This baby's next on my list. Sweet sweet stuff this one :)
DSG Spike Jacket Yellow. Cost Rs. 4500/-
Looks cool & am sure feels even better! Am getting one for me AND my girl. Will post detailed review on the gloves & the jacket (once i get it) soon. Ride safe till then.

Thursday, June 05, 2008

Hot Pursuit!!!

Sports cars have dazzled & caught our imagination over the ages. Movies to magazines, we’ve swallowed them whole in the pursuit of these dream machines. Porsche’s, Lamborghini’s, Ferrari’s. They’re all here.

Monday, June 02, 2008

The truth behind Bruce Springsteen's 41 Shots (American Skin)

Bruce, known as the 'Boss' has a few rolling hits to his name. But the reason he's the boss in my book is simple, he's a revolutionary in every sense of the word. every word in his mighty verses stand tall & take note, making the world around them shiver in awe & in recognition. This is just one of his songs. It's called 41 Shots (41 Shots) & this is the history behind it.

What started this song off was an act of violence. Amadou Diallo, an american-african immigrant

in the US of A was shot by police officers who thought he was peddling drugs & was weilding a weapon which he was about to use. Now this could be a regular occurrence to many but this case was different. Diallo was shot 41 times... all for reaching out for his wallet. The police found no weapons on him. Justice... ? Makes you wonder...

Here's the boss.

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots....
and we'll take that ride
'cross this bloody river
to the other side
41 shots... cut through the night
You're kneeling over his body in the vestibule
Praying for his life

Is it a gun, is it a knife
Is it a wallet, this is your life
It ain't no secret
(It ain't no secret)
It ain't no secret
(It ain't no secret)
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in
Your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots and
Lena gets her son ready for school
She says "on these streets, Charles
You've got to understand the rules
If an officer stops you
Promise me you'll always be polite,
that you'll never ever run away
Promise Mama you'll keep your hands in sight"

Is it a gun, is it a knife
Is it a wallet, this is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in
Your American skin

41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
(music bit)
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
41 shots
Is it a gun, is it a knife
Is it in your heart, is it in your eyes
It ain't no secret
(It ain't no secret)
It ain't no secret
(It ain't no secret)
It ain't no secret
(It ain't no secret)

41 shots
And we'll take that ride
Cross this bloody river
To the other side
41 shots
And my boots caked in this mud
We're baptized in these waters
(baptized in these waters)
And in each other's blood
(And in each others blood)

Is it a gun, is it a knife
Is it a wallet, this is your life
It ain't no secret
It ain't no secret
(It ain't no secret)
It ain't no secret
(It ain't no secret)
No secret my friend
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
You can get killed just for living in
Your American Skin

(41 shots)You can get killed just for living in
(41 shots)You can get killed just for living in
(41 shots)You can get killed just for living in
(41 shots)You can get killed just for living in
(41 shots)You can get killed just for living in
(41 shots)You can get killed just for living in

The Grand Band Guessing Game

Guess the bands people. ROCK ON!!!!